We often hear people asking whether buying a car is an investment or not. Well, most economist will immediately say No!!!!! And they are most probably right. Many years ago, one could purchase a new vehicle and 10 years later sell it in prime condition for more than you had paid. However, gone are those days. Vehicle values differ from manufacturer to manufacturer and from model to model. Certain other factors also come into play.
Condition, mileage, service records, and even colour can affect the price you get when selling or trading your car. The condition consists of items like the body/paintwork. Rust patches or even the slightest sign thereof is a big NO!!! Scratches dents or bullet holes can also negatively reduce the price offered.
Seats and interior condition are also vitally important. Tip… before presenting your trade-in, have your vehicle cleaned by a valet place. It might cost you a few hundred Rands but will make a big difference.
Make sure that your service book is up to date and that the services have been stamped by the dealer. When the evaluator does not see the book, he can only presume that the car has not had regular check-ups and he will adjust the price accordingly. Supply and demand play a huge role in determining the value offered. If the dealer already has 10 of your cars in stock, he will most probably not give you a fantastic price.
You pay a lot for your car so take care of it. We at used car buyers are always looking for good clean stock and will pay the best market-related prices if your vehicle meets the criteria. For more advice and tips to achieve the best possible price feel free to contact one of our sales staff. At the end of the day, you need the best price, and we win by getting a nice clean unit to sell. So, pop in today and let us do a deal here at CMH Used Car Buyers Hatfield.